The New Mozilla Logo

It was released earlier this week that Mozilla has decided to rebrand, creating a new logo initiative. Many are left wondering why Mozilla decided to change their logo. Such an important company in the web development community should always want to stay fresh and up-to-date, as well as connected with the developer community. Let’s take a look at why the new Mozilla logo is a good thing.

Mozilla logo review

The new Mozilla logo reflects current trends in web design and development. Were getting to the point where trying to streamline and simplify everything. The old logo was pretty, but from a web development and visual standpoint it was just too much. The flaming Fox wrapped around the planet no longer represented what Mozilla was all about. Before, they were more about making an impact. Now that they’ve made the impact, it’s more about streamlining everything in being more connected with the development community.

The new Mozilla logo is simply brilliant. The typeface is simple, clean and easy to read. Not only that, but it reflects the kind of typefaces you find when coding or developing websites. For those of you that don’t know or understand the concept, here is where it comes from. When you search the web, the hypertext protocol, or http://comes before every website. This is regardless of whether the website begins with the URL or www. I think it’s absolutely brilliant how they worked :// into the logo, because Mozilla is all about the web and your experience while using it.

When you looked at the other browser logos side by side, Mozilla it did seem out of place. Safari, Opera and chrome are all simple, clean logos. The Firefox logo does have a nice element of contrast, but I don’t think it should be Mozilla’s main logo. I like the fact that they streamlined it and made it text based. This makes it stand out, because the other logos are strictly graphic. Mozilla is only text, with the graphic element being the slant in the i-l-l letters.

As a whole, the Mozilla rebrand is just plain smart. It’s simple, it’s clean, and it’s geared towards the future. I doubt it will be considered to be outdated anytime soon. The word mark strengthens the brand, because it uses the name as the main logo. You’ll never forget which browser you’re using if you use Mozilla moving forward.

What you think about the new Mozilla logo? Do you think it strengthened Mozilla’s brand? If you feel otherwise, why? I’d love to open the floor for discussion and hear what you have to say. Please leave your thoughts and comments below.

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